Thursday, March 20, 2008

Must visit, Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier

In the 17th century, the golden age of perfume profession, there were 250 perfumers and glove-makers in Paris. They worked according to a charter granted to them by the Sun King Louis XIV. In their shops, they sold perfumed gloves, supreme elegance of that era, perfumes, hair powder and make-up. Their shops, essentially located in the center of Paris, were richly decorated: elegant furniture and armchairs, Spanish leather-covered walls, marble floors decorated ceilings and soft lighting. When clients came to buy their perfumes, they would stay on for awhile in the boutique and chat while the perfumer prepared their order. This setting has inspired Jean F. Laporte to create the Parisian shop Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier. He has chosen to recreate the particular style of a 17th century 'perfume cabinet' where gold, grayish green and raspberry red dominate in a luxurious atmosphere. A definite must visit to understand the art of perfume making. Location is 5 rue de Capucines and 84 bis rue de Grenelle, Paris.

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