Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dammann Frères - the pleasure of drinking tea

Damman Frères started the tea business in 1692, under the Sun King Louis XIV' s reign, through which they became the exclusive distributors of fine tea in France. The uniqueness of Damman Frères is that they use silk bags, a distinct taste experience that promises to revolutionize the drinker's tea drinking. The strength of Dammann Frères resides in its exceptional blends and the cristal sachet, which the tea is presented in. The fine grid and the transparency of this sachet allows teas to be conditioned with all the same qualities appreciated in loose teas. Since it does not shrink in water, the sachets allows the leaf free movement to steep in the cup with out any constraint. The cristal sachet provides the tea-drinker the exceptional taste and the aesthetic pleasure with the practicality of the sachet. 

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